Contraction And Extension Of Demand: According to the law of demand, as the price changes demand also changes. If the price rises demand decreases and if the price falls demand increases. These change in demand due to changes in price are technical called extension and contraction of demand. By extension of demand we mean an increase in demand due to fall in price. Similarly by contraction of demand we mean a decrease in demand due to rise in price level. In the case of extension and contraction of demand, the demand curve remains the same but demand points shifts from one place to another place as shown in the diagram and schedule.


Extension in demand

Contraction in demand

PRs. 4

2 Kg

2 Kg

PRs 3

4 Kg

4 Kg

PRs 2

6 Kg

6 Kg

PRs 1

8 Kg

8 Kg

 In the above demand schedule, when price is falling the demand is increasing and when price is rising the demand is decreasing.

Rise And Fall In Demand: Rise in demand will occur when price remaining the same, demand increases or at higher price demand remain same.

Price Remain Same But Q d Changes:



PRs 10

100 Kg

PRs 10

200 Kg

PRs 10

300 Kg


Price Changes But Q d Demanded In Same:



PRs 1

100 Kg

PRs 2

100 Kg

PRs 3

100 Kg


Fall In Demand: Fall in demand also may occurs in two ways. It will occur when either price remaining the same demand decreases or at lower price same quantity is demanded.

Price Remain Same But Q d Decreases:



PRs 10

300 Kg

PRs 10

200 Kg

PRs 10

100 Kg


Price Decreases But Q d Remain Same:



PRs 3

100 Kg

PRs 2

100 Kg

PRs 1

100 Kg

In the case of rise and fall in demand, demand curve shifts from one place to another place. When demand rises, demand curve shift’s form left to right upward. In the case of fall in demand, demand curve shift from right to left downward.

Kinds Of Demand: They are three types of demand. They are as following;

1)    Price Demand: Price demand refers to the various quantities of a commodity or service that consumer would purchase at a given time in a market at various prices. It is assumed that other things such as consumers income, population, taste and prices of inter- related goods unchanged. The demand of individual consumer is called individual demand and the total of all the consumers combined for the commodity or services is called industry demand. The total demand for the product of individual firm at various prices is known as firms demand or individual seller demand.

2)    Income Demand: The income demand refers to the various quantities of goods and services which would be purchased by the consumer at various levels of income. Here we assume that the price of the commodity as well as the prices of inter-related goods and tastes of consumer do not change. Just as the income demand express relationship between income and quantity demanded. D=F (M) where M is the income of consumer. For example when the income of people increases they begin to spend money on those goods which were previously regarded by them as luxuries or semi luxuries and reduce the expenditure on inferior goods. In this case demand curve moves from left to right upward because the relation between income and demand is direct. In this case we see that the demand changes due to change in income level of the consumers but it is not the actual demand because demand has relationship only with price. Demand only increases or decreases due to rise or fall in price level. When demand changes due to change in the income level it is called income demand.

3)    Cross Demand: Cross demand means when demand of the x commodity changes not due to change in the price of that commodity but due to change in prices of its inter-related goods that is price of y commodity.

a)     Substitution Demand: When demand of x commodity changes due to change in the price of y commodity and there is direct relationship between demand of x commodity and price of y commodity. For example; there are two kinds of soap in the market. 1. Lux, 2. Dove. These both have same quality and same price when the price of Dove increases the people will buy Lux and will decrease the demand of Dove. The price of Lux is the same but its demand increases due to increase in price of the substitute goods (Dove). So we can say that Lux is a substitute of Dove.

b)    Complementary Demand: Complementary demand means when demand of x commodity changes due to change in the prices of y commodity and there is a negative relationship between demand of x and prices of y. for example; when the prices of oil (petrol, diesel) increase the demand of cars decreases because the consumer of cars will decrease their demand due to increase in the prices of petrol they deeply related with each other.

Elasticity Of Demand: According to the law of demand there is close relationship between price and demand. When price changes demand also changes. The relation between change in price and demand is indicated by the concept of elasticity of demand. The sensitivity or responsiveness of the demand for a commodity to a change in the price is known as the elasticity of demand. In other words elasticity of demand is the rate at which the quantity demanded changes with a change in price. Elasticity depends primarily on proportionate or percentage changes and not on absolute changes in quantity demanded and price. Elasticity of demand can be expressed mathematically as under;


Ed = proportionate change in quantity demand

            Proportionate change in price

Ed = % del Q                        or                    del Q\Q

         %del P                                                 del P\P

Ed = Q2-Q1\Q


Here Ed = Elasticity of demanded

Del Q=Q2-Q1= change in quantity demanded

Del P=P2-P1= change in price demanded

Q= Original demand

P= Original price

For Example; if there is a 10% rise in the price of tea and it leads to reduction in its demand by 20% the price elasticity of demanded will be;

Ed= % change in Q d

       % change in price

Ed= -20% = 2.0 = 2.0


As the relation between price and Q d is negative, so we ignore the negative sign.

Degree Of Elasticity Of Demand: The term elastic and inelastic demand do not indicate the degree of responsiveness and unresponsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price. So, there are five degrees of elasticity of demand which are;

Perfectly Elastic Demand: When there is change in price but quantity demanded changes to reasonable extent. A demand is perfectly elastic when with a small increase in the price of goods its quantity demanded drops down immediately to zero. People would prefer to buy from another producer who would prefer to buy from another producer who sell the goods at lower price or market price.


Q t y Demand


10 Kg





In above schedule we see that price remains same while demand in the market increases.

Perfectly Inelastic Demand: When due to any change in price the demand remains same, then it is known as perfectly inelastic demand.









In above schedule, we see that price is changing while demand remains same.

Unitary Elasticity Of Demand: When quantity demand is change by exactly the same percentage as price, it is called unitary elasticity of demand.

Ed= %del Q = 1

       %del P


Q T Y Demand







In above schedule, we see that price is decreasing by step by step and demand is increasing by same steps of percentage.

Elastic Demand: If a little change in price brings greater change in quantity demanded of a product, in this case we shall say that demand is more elastic or highly elastic.

Ed= del Q greater than 

        Del P









In above schedule, we see that when price changes 1 percent, quantity demanded changes more than 1 percent.

Inelastic Demand: When a big change in price brings little change in quantity demanded, in this case we shall say that demand is less elastic.

Ed= del Q less than 1

       Del P

Ed= 10% =1 less than 1

       30% 3







In above schedule, we see that price change more than 1 percent, while demand change 1 percent.

1)    Price Elasticity Of Demand

2)    Income Elasticity Of Demand

3)    Cross Elasticity Of Demand

Price Elasticity Of Demand: It is the rate at which quantity demanded of the product change in response to change in its price. Price elasticity of demand can be calculated with the help of formula;

Price elasticity of demand= %change in quantity of demand

                                                            %change in price

Where Ed= price elasticity of demand

Del q= change in quantity demanded

Q= original demand

Del p= change in price

P= original price


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